Use Quickly the Finest Air Ambulance Service in Delhi with Extra-Advanced MICU Based via Medilift Private individual
2 years ago Services Delhi 58 viewsLocation: Delhi
Price: ₹470,000
Do you want to book the most comfortable and reliable emergency medical transport service in Delhi with proper pre-medical care? Then book Medilift Air Ambulance Service at the right cost. Take the most convenient medical shifting service with matchless and top-class medical enhancement with us.
Medilift Air Ambulance Service in Delhi always bestows top-class national and international medical flights for emergency and non-emergency medical shifting at affordable cost.
Contact today, for more details and further inquiries:
Office No. Building No 8/113, Mehram Nagar, Delhi Cantt- 10
Tell: +91-9958718258,+91-9958718279