King Air and Train Ambulance Service in Bokaro it delivering comfortable medium of medical transport Professional

1 year ago   Services   Bokāro   68 views
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Location: Bokāro

Salary: ₹110,003

Are you comparing Air Ambulance Service in Bokaro to moving your patient to a better hospital?


King provides the best Air Ambulance Service in Bokaro. Our team of medical professionals is comprised of experienced doctors, nurses, and paramedics, who are specially trained in aeromedical care. They possess the expertise to handle complex medical conditions and emergencies, ensuring that patients receive the highest level of care throughout the entire transfer process. From administering medications to performing life-saving procedures, our medical staff is equipped with the necessary skills to handle any situation that may arise during the flight.

503/2, Vasundhra, Sector-5, NCR, Delhi, India
Phone: +91-7091360310, +91-7033699531

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