Available Angel Air Ambulance in Patna-Best for Ailing Person Rescue Professional
1 year ago Services Bārh 68 viewsLocation: Bārh
Price: ₹400,000
Do you need the fastest and safest patient transportation service to move the patient from Patna to another city hospital? Then you can use the latest medical intensive care unit set up commercial air ambulance in Patna by Angel Air Ambulance.
Angel Air Ambulance from Patna is always active in emergency times so you can take the benefit of the latest ICU-enabled Air Ambulance Services in Patna for the patient evacuation. Our Air Ambulance also comes with proper medical remedies so you can take our facility without wasting time.
Contact Us for More Detail: -
Angel Air Ambulance Service
Mobile: - +91-9264440085, +91-9264440087
Email: - info@angelairambulance.com