Ambulance Service in Tata Nagar, Jharkhand by Medilift| Emergency and Non-emergency Transfer Professional
2 years ago Services Admiralty 197 viewsLocation: Admiralty
Price: $15,000
Are you looking for ambulances that are offering emergency and non-emergency transfer of patients?
Medilift Ambulance Service in Tata Nagar, Jharkhand has done thousands of successful missions since its launch. We have effectively shifted many critical patients for better treatment. We are providing top-class priority as we provide a true bed-to-bed experience. The patients we connect with value our expertise and the level of palliative care that exceeds normal professional standards.
For More Inquiry,
Address:-Office Number 31, First Floor, Uttaranchal Plaza, Vasundhra Sector 3, Near Pani Tanki, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi, Pin: 201012
Phone no.:-+919958718258, +919958718279